Applying Design Thinking on a social challenge

Applying Design Thinking on a social challenge

Workshop Design Thinking User Experience Digital Product Design

This workshop is part of Peak IT 002 conference.

The goal of the workshop? 

The goal of the workshop is to learn how to generate innovative solutions for a given problem, fast.

What will we do in this workshop?

We will choose a social problem to work on, and during the workshop we will apply a set of Design Thinking exercises like: empathy maps, problem re-framing, ideation, prioritization and prototyping.

You are in the target of the audience if you:

  • have interest in Design Thinking, Design Sprints, Innovation
  • want to learn how creative problem solving process can work
  • want to get involved in a social problem
  • have lots of ideas, but too few of them implemented

What will you learn at the end?

At the end of the workshop, you will have a deeper understanding on how to approach a new problem you have – it could be a new product or a new feature you are working on, or perhaps a problem we have in your team or even at home.

What tools do you need installed on your computer before the workshop starts?

All the tools will be provided by us


Peak IT 002

Date & time

12th Oct, Saturday

12th Oct, Saturday


Aula Universitatii Transilvania, Centrul pentru Invatarea Limbilor Moderne, Brasov, Romania