Basics of UX Design for Mobile Apps
Workshop Mobile User Experience Digital Product DesignAppsmith Studio invites you to join our workshop on basics of UX Design for Mobile Apps on February 28th @ 18:00.
Beginners or those that have a basic design knowledge, all welcome to this workshop!
We will have two speakers : Monica Ureche, UI/UX Designer @ Appsmith Studio and Jasson Michaud, CEO of Appsmith Studio, will be hosting this workshop. With 12 years of experience in product development ( web or mobile), Jasson will provide insight on the basics of UX Design for Mobile Apps.
Workshop will include:
– Introduction
– What’s the difference between UX and UI
– Why UX is important to ANY product
– What is the process to UX
– Key expectations of UX for mobile apps
– Exercise
– Pizza and refreshments
By registering to this meetup, you agree to receive further information about this event, and that your personal data may be used and / or processed by App Smith Studio.
Register now and save the date!