Creative Writing Workshop in English – How to write a short story
Online Workshop CopywritingThis is a Creative Writing course in English, so knowing English at a high level is a must, if you want to attend it. The course will take place over five in-person sessions and its final goal will be the publication on Amazon Kindle and other platforms of a collection of short stories, with one story by each of the participants.
I have vast experience of writing and self-publishing on Amazon, both in the Kindle and paperback formats.
The sessions will cover the following topics:
1. Why and How: You can’t make yourself into a writer without enough motivation to keep you going through the ups and downs. So in this session we will each discuss our personal motivations for writing. Additionally I will draw a map of the self-publishing landscape available through Amazon and other providers. We will also examine the outline and origins of the Hero’s Journey writing model, with examples from movies and novels.
2. Planning a Short Story: We will look at the Snowflake Method and how to implement it. We will plan a complete short story together using the techniques learned in the previous session. Homework: plan your own short story. Bonus: If you have the time and dedication, additionally write the short story that we planned together. Whoever writes the best story will have two stories published in the anthology.
3. Writing your short story: in this session we will each share and discuss our plan for our short story. Then we will talk about how to flesh out the structure to create the story itself. We will also learn how to format the story to be ready for conversion to Kindle format. Homework: write your first draft and send it to me.
4. Editing Your Short Story: Show-don’t-tell and other principles of creative writing are here used as standards for the effective editing of your short story. We will talk about specific issues based on the first drafts sent to me. Discussion of individual cases are strictly based on consent, so feedback can also be kept private. Homework: edit your story
5. Formatting and Uploading for Kindle: We will go through the options available when uploading, and talk about the other platforms, which the anthology will ultimately also be uploaded to. We will do the final formatting and upload our anthology to Amazon in real time. Those of us who wish to will get a drink afterwards to celebrate that we are now published authors.
If you want to attend this workshop, high level of English is a must.
Acest curs începe luni, 14 septembrie, 19.00. Are 5 întâlniri, cu frecvență săptămânală, și se desfășoară online, pe Zoom. Ca să participi e necesar să te înscrii pe [masked] și să achiți taxa de participare – 500 de lei. Pentru reducere, folosește codul de cupon FIDELITATE. Plata se poate face direct pe site – www.victoriei.ro.