CreativeMornings Timisoara February
Meetup Cross Disciplinary DesignFor this month’s theme – INVEST – our thoughts went straight to Oana Mondoc. She’s a ball of fire & energy and invests it all in wild life conservation, building communities and dreaming big.
Campaigner, community development specialist and project innovator working to bring lasting change in our world. There’s a lot to be said about her and she will do it herself at our next meeting.
She works in ecology, technology, arts&culture and joining people around these domains to spark ideas and innovations with a positive impact for people and the planet. She excels at mobilizing people, be that in the digital sphere or at grassroots community level, getting them all to invest in the future.
Being a passionate believer in the power of the community, she will share her view on INVEST. The most powerful resource we have to shape our world into shape are our hearts and minds combined, so let’s imagine more creative ways of investment.
Our cool host this week is the great team of Bereta Taproom & Bottleshop. They’re usually not early morning people, unless they haven’t slept… but they sure are creative! ♥
For those of you who are still discovering local gems, The Taproom&Bottleshop will deliver fresh craft beer on tap from Bereta & all of their friends + a lot of bottles/cans from both local and international breweries for that special geek deep inside that just wants to scavenge for more.
We’ll have coffee and breakfast powered by AMBASADA, but maybe there’s a beer that goes with the flow as well. Let’s find out together!
Tickets will open February 24th!
CreativeMornings is a monthly lectures series for the creative community. Each event is free of charge, and includes a 20 minutes lecture (usually much more…), coffee and great company! It makes it even more sense to have a chapter in Timișoara, building a stronger community!
CreativeMornings Timișoara wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of global and local partners. With their support, this series of events can grow, and remain free and accessible to anyone.
The commitment in coming together as a community is all thanks to you, beautiful morning people and the great energies that make it happen: Flex – Romania , HdvStudio Echipa, Print by Aliosha, Dana Moica, AMBASADA, the volunteers and each and every speaker that accepts the challenge!