Design for Equality

Design for Equality

Online Workshop Digital Product Design User Experience


Design for Equality is a 3-weeks course during which participants are prototyping products, services and experiences for a more equal workspace, domestic space or digital space.

These 3 key areas are crucial for achieving gender equality and it’s where we encounter most cases of inequalities (starting with workplace participation, pay inequity, to various forms of harassment in the workplace, to caregiving and unpaid work, domestic and sexual violence, to online harassment and bullying).

During Design for Equality, participants are going through a product development process, beginning with user research, to brainstorming, prototyping and testing, while learning feminist theory and how gender stereotypes are formed.

By the end of the 3 weeks, participants will have built a digital product or service with equality as a core principle, in the workspace, domestic space or digital space.


Which of the 3 fields (workspace, domestic space or digital space) you would like to explore from a feminist point of view?

Here are some prompts to give you a sense of what can be built:


How would an inclusive work environment look like? How would an organisation’s practices where women and minorities can thrive look like?

domestic space:

How does automation help women overcome the old patriarchal roles that have been assigned to them and offer emancipation and liberation?

digital space:

How does a more inclusive Internet look like?

Please check our page to see what products participants have built up until now:


The course duration is 3 weeks: every week-end, students will be learning feminist theory and product development concepts (user research, brainstorming techniques, rapid prototyping, product marketing, no-code tools), while the following week, they’ll get to put that theory into practice through small, individual exercises.

Students will learn collaboratively, in cohorts of 3-5 people, to facilitate exchange of ideas, diversity and mutual support.

We design the courses so that they can be flexible – able to accommodate people who already work in technology (product managers, software engineers, UX designers, business professionals), but also people who would like to transition to a tech career, but don’t know where to start.


The Design for Equality course is created for women and men alike, but especially directed at equipping women with a maker mentality and empowering them to be able to create their own products.

You have the power to create a new world.

What will you build?


Andra Bria is a digital product and service designer and creative lead. She has over 7 years experience in working with international brands, as well as advising early stage startups on how to communicate and innovate. Her public recognitions include nominations at competitions such as Golden Drum Europe, Central European Startup Awards or Facebook. She holds a MA degree in equality policies and gender mainstreaming.


We design the courses so that they can be flexible – able to accommodate people who already work in technology (product managers, software engineers, UX designers, business professionals), but also people who would like to transition to a tech career, but don’t know where to start. We adjust the level of complexity and the notions presented accordingly.


This is a 3 weeks course with opportunities for continued mentoring and coaching afterwards.

229 EUR – standard pricing

149 EUR – reduced ticket


Check out to learn more about previous workshops and other training opportunities.



Craft Product School

Date & time

10th Apr, Saturday

24th Apr, Saturday

