Design for Post-Capitalism
Online Workshop Digital Product Design User Experience🌍 CONTEXT
As the global network continues to shrink the distance between producers and consumers, the global economy is also beginning to respond to a set major systemic shocks: climate change, growing income inequality, mass migration, and the rise of populist right-wing nationalism, to name a few.
How might we counteract precarity, which is everywhere now: in the work environment (unstable employment, low wages), in the foods we eat (we can’t trace the source of the ingredients, their production methods and their impact on our health), in the housing conditions and costs, in growing wealth inequalities, discriminations, racism and xenophobia.
How might we use design methods to imagine everyday life in a post-capitalist society?
If design is capable of shaping ways of being in the world, Post-Capitalism seems an ideal space to apply design methods for forecasting and prototyping new possibilities for the future.
Design for Post-Capitalism is a speculative design workshop during which participants will prototype products, services and experiences for a post-capitalist society.
You have the power to create a new world.
What will you build?
Products and services that:
– support collaboration and community
– are environmentally friendly
– don’t widen existing inequalities
– give back people’s time
Andra Bria is a digital product and service designer and creative lead. She has over 7 years experience in working with international brands, as well as advising early stage startups on how to communicate and innovate. Her public recognitions include nominations at competitions such as Golden Drum Europe, Central European Startup Awards or Facebook. She holds a MA degree in equality policies and gender mainstreaming.
This course aims to bring business professionals together with activists, hackers and designers – so that everyone learns from the collective intelligence of the room.
This is a one-day masterclass with opportunities for continued mentoring and coaching afterwards.
59 EUR – standard pricing
29 EUR – reduced pricing
Check out http://craftproductschool.xyz/ to learn more about previous workshops and other training opportunities.
Enquiries: andra@craftproductschool.xyz