Drawing Muse Online Exhibition
Exhibition Drawing ArtsDRAWING MUSE EXHIBITION – Online Drawing Course
12th of June, 2020
H: 7:00 PM EEST
H: 7:30 PM EEST
LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83497237908
Dear friends,
This is a very special event for Plankton Gallery community.
Because of the COVID-19 situation from the past two months, our gallery together with chief executiv and art teacher Flaviu Moldovan, decided to organize the FIRST online drawing course that took place between 22nd of April and 23rd of MayI, 2020.
For our great surprise, the results of the course are stunning!!!
Many people in the internetland were skeptical about the online teaching methods, especially when it’s about drawing, but we decided to give it a try. According to the predictions of Flaviu Moldovan, everything went very well, actually better than we expected.
The online exhibition is also a blast! 🔥🔥
First of all, the quality of our students works are simply amazing! But than, the fact that Flaviu found the ingenious method of using mock-ups and video to simulate the space of a gallery, created the very realistic feeling that the works are exhibited properly in a gallery, with frames and averything.
If you are interested to see how we did it, we decided to launch our Video Exhibition through a PREMIERE via Facebook and also we invite you to a virtual “MEET THE ARTISTS Session” via Zoom, 30 minutes later after the FB Premiere. Please check the schedule above again! The ONLINE EXHIBITION is availabe to be seen on every smart device that you have!
See you next Friday on Facebook and Zoom!
follow us here: Plankton Gallery
instagram: @planktongallerycluj
FB: Flaviu Moldovan
instagram: @flaviu_moldovan
Flaviu Moldovan (n. 1983) este artist vizual și designer român, trăiește și lucrează în Cluj-Napoca. Preocupările artistice ale lui Flaviu Moldovan sunt dintre cele mai diverse, acoperind o paletă amplă de activități din sfera desenului, picturii și graficii web.
Despre artist, pe scurt: Premiul N. Tonitza (acordat de Ministerul Cercetării și Educației, România, 2002); Rezidență artistică de gravură (Miskolk, Ungaria, 2005); website layout design pentru Coca-Cola (McCann Erikson Worldgroup, 2011); ilustrații pentru Fanta Exotic și Fanta Cel Mai Bun Gust (McCann Erikson Worldgroup, MRM, București, 2011); Premiul I – The Yahoo! Login Page Creative Competition (2011); Design Jury Member – Logo Pech Capitală Culturală 2020 (Bulgaria, 2012); lucrări expuse la Noaptea Muzeelor (2012), Bucharest Art Week (2014), Art Safari București (2015).