Ethics in Digital Design
Meetup Digital Product Design User ExperienceHey everyone!
We had some great feedback and interaction after the ethics meetup in January, so we decided to organize a series of events dedicated to ethics in the tech industry. Yes, tethics 🙂
We’ll organize one event each month, focused on a particular area of the industry where we will talk about the ethical side of things. Each meetup will have a 20-30 minutes exposition or intro and an hour long discussion in an open format, on the topic at hand.
For the second event we’re focusing on design ethics and UX patterns. The two speakers will present a couple of so-called dark patterns, or pretty common patterns that are used by companies and products at the expense of the user. We welcome everyone to join the discussion and showcase their own examples of unethical design.
Meet the speakers:
Alexandra Gurita is a Product/UX Designer at teleportHQ and partner at Innovating Society. Her mission is to empower collaboration between design research and development, raise awareness of the impact of AI/ML and other emerging technologies in design.
Alex Moldovan is an Open Source Engineer at teleportHQ and one of the founders of JSHeroes. He is an active voice in the JavaScript community and his mission is to help and inspire others to build an accessible, secure and faster web.