FLN#3: Portfolio reviews & UI/UX project critique

FLN#3: Portfolio reviews & UI/UX project critique

Meetup Digital Product Design User Experience User Interface

For this event we aim to help you improve your UI/UX portolios where needed by offering constructive feedback. We’re gonna look at what works and what could be improved taking into consideration context like project goals and role. Also, if you’re facing challenges in the midst of a project, we’ll do our best to help you get unstuck.

You don’t need to showcase a project or portfolio to participate, everyone is welcomed. As usual this is an open discussion and everyone present is encouraged to participate and offer feedback or ask questions.

This is a beginner friendly environment, we are all here to learn and grow, so no matter where you are in your design journey we welcome you.

While not mandatory, it would be helpful to let us know in advance (on our new discord server) if you plan to present your work, especially given that the event is only 1.5 hours long. You can still provide a link on the spot. Important: Please provide a public portfolio link.

Join our new community here: https://discord.gg/C7Dvj569

Alex Costin (UX Manager @Connatix)
Dan Vidrasan (Product Designer @HEITS.digital)
Palko Botond (Product Designer @Cognizant)

Location: str. Ploiesti nr.36, Connatix office, etaj 3


Fullscreen + Connatix

Date & time

28th Nov, Tuesday

28th Nov, Tuesday


Connatix office, floor 3, str. Ploiesti nr. 36, Cluj-Napoca, Romania