FLSCN#1: Going into a UX/UI Design career, Q&A Session

FLSCN#1: Going into a UX/UI Design career, Q&A Session

Meetup Digital Product Design User Experience User Interface

This pilot event is targeted towards individuals who are thinking about going into (or switching to) a UX Design role at an existing company or who want to try a freelancing route.


This will be an open discussion but we will try to cover the following topics:

  • What exactly is UX Design? How does it differ from other design disciplines?
  • What UX is not? Setting expectations for your first year as a UX Designer?
  • Design education, portfolios and getting hired.
  • Different type of employers, design industry myths and more.
  • any question you might have.


Alex Costin — UX Manager @Connatix
Adriana Ciupe — UI/UX Designer @Connatix
Raluca Timoc — UI/UX Designer @Connatix
Ivana Saftescu — UI/UX Designer @Connatix

Sign up

Limited seat number, fill in this form to grab a spot!


Fullscreen + Connatix

Date & time

22nd Aug, Tuesday

22nd Aug, Tuesday


Connatix Office, str. Ploiesti nr. 36, Cluj-Napoca, Romania