GoTech World // Design Sprints as Innovation Tool. How Design Sprint are answering to critical business questions?

GoTech World // Design Sprints as Innovation Tool. How Design Sprint are answering to critical business questions?

Talk Design Sprints User Experience Digital Product Design

Meetings are boring. Sprints are cool. What if I can tell you that you can completely change the way you work?

A Design Sprint at UXProject is a 4-day, step by step process for rapidly solving big challenges, creating new products, or improving existing ones. It compresses potentially months of work into a few days, and it helps you answer critical business questions through:

  1. Design
  2. Prototyping
  3. Testing your ideas with customers.

Design Sprints can be used for:

  • Software Products
  • App Design
  • Web Projects
  • Business Model Validation
  • Change Management Projects
  • Startup Ideas
  • Digital Transformation Projects.

In this keynote, Andrei introduces you to Design Sprints as a new way of working and shares case studies that show how others have successfully developed new products and solved essential business challenges.


  1. Design Sprints as an innovative tool – Forward-Looking companies are under pressure to innovate, but most of them find it hard to transform themselves in difficult circumstances. Those that use proven innovative tools and business tactics improve their chances of success.
  2. Design Sprints as a very cost-efficient way of working – you can develop new products and test the ideas that you are too afraid to launch, in only 4 days.
  3. Design Sprints as a productivity tool – why business want and need Design Sprints? It is all about efficiency – it saves a lot of time and a lot of money.

Andrei Mihai

Andrei is the Founder and Head of Design of UXProject, a company he has built based on his experience of over 12 years in the UX & Product Development field. During this time he has built top digital products for companies like Yahoo!, Raiffeisen Bank, National Geographic or international start-ups.

Passionate about new ways of working, Andrei is using design sprints to help companies turn ideas into realities and deliver experiences that customers will love, faster than ever before. He believes that technology is here to make our lives better and simpler. But for this to happen, we have to make an effort and understand how we should adapt technology to human needs and human behavior.


GoTech World

Date & time

3rd Oct, Thursday

3rd Oct, Thursday


Digital & E-commerce Stage / GoTech World, Romexpo, blvd. Marasti nr. 65-67, sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania