Ideation Workshop: Build a Landing Page that Communicates Value

Ideation Workshop: Build a Landing Page that Communicates Value

Workshop Design Sprints User Experience Digital Product Design

Pumpkin spice and everything nice—the autumn season is on & we’re here to sprinkle it with something nifty!

Dear TOMM fellows, meet Ana-Nicoleta Oarga & Raz Burciu: a #madduo of Cluj-based professionals, globally known for their collective product design experience, are joining us for the 6th edition of TOMM!

Together with our DigiTales founder Anna Maria Radu, they will deliver an Interactive Workshop focusing on how to create a landing page that converts leads into customers.

Registration details

Participation is free of charge, conditioned by beforehand application, limited up to 15 seats:

How it works

– you’ll get a predefined business case
-part I: create the content—find your business name, USPs, features, benefits, describe the onboarding process and contact options
-part II: ideate & design — determine the suitable structure, design, CTAs and actions on page using friendly and fun ideation exercises taken straight out of the Design Sprint process
-an uber-converting landing page
-learn the right way to do it on your own, for any business you like

Who can apply

We invite professionals working in creative industries (marketing, design, development), as well as upcoming freelancers and entrepreneurs who wish to learn how to present & sell their own services or products using the mighty tool called Landing Page.

Spicy schedule

18:15-18:30 Registration
18:30-19:20 Part I: Marcomm
19:20-19:30 Break
19:30-21:00 Part II: Design & Implementation

About the speakers

Mad Duo / Just Mad
Raz & Ana combined their years of experience in the product strategy and design field and created Just Mad, a product design consultancy focused on accelerating innovation by running Design Sprints. They work with companies and startups from all over the world, delivering high-standard product strategy, design and growth services. They are both certified NNG UX experts and fully qualified Design Sprint Facilitators.
Follow them:

Anna Maria Radu
Anna is an entrepreneur with a genuine curiosity in technology. PR at heart, she’s constantly looking for promising startups that wish to share their stories with action-driven audiences. She is also the co-organizer of TOMM, as she channels her faith in the power of the community is channeled towards Banat IT.
Follow her:

Special thanks to @Cowork Timisoara for hosting us!

Registration details

Participation is free of charge, conditioned by beforehand application, limited up to 15 seats:


Timisoara Online Marketing Meetup

Date & time

17th Oct, Thursday

17th Oct, Thursday


Cowork Timisoara, The Garden, str. Virgil Madgearu nr. 5, Timisoara, Romania