January is “Promise” – CreativeMornings Iasi
Meetup Cross Disciplinary DesignCreativeMornings Iasi is happy to introduce this month’s speakers, Simona & Alex, whom you may know as the faces behind Lipa Lipa.
Do expect to be mesmerized by Simona and Alex, travellers and digital nomads, as they will talk about January’s theme Promise.
#CMpromise was chosen by @CreativeMorningsTirana and it was beautifully interpreted by Jolin Matraku.
This event will be held on Zoom.
FREE tickets will be available from January 18, 11:00 a.m. here:
https://creativemornings.com/talks/january-is-promise>>> Tickets are FREE but Zoom space is limited so be sure to register and grab your ticket.
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