Problem Framing Training
Workshop Design Sprints User Experience Digital Product Design1-day training session to help executives make better decisions and drive innovation.
About this Event
Try searching for “failed products” on the internet to find examples of organizations that designed innovative solutions to problems no one has.
Meaningful innovation starts with solving real problems, of real people.
This workshop is for you if:
1. The decision-making process in your organization doesn’t consider customer/user needs.
2. Your company is only doing more of the same thing, repeating previous successes, without exploring new opportunities or taking risks.
3. You want to introduce new ways of working, but you struggle to get stakeholders buy-in
About the Problem Framing Workshop
Design Sprint Academy has launched this training program in 2018 at Google in San Francisco, training their Sprint Master Academy on how to find problems worth solving and set the stage for successful design sprints. Here’s what problem-solvers from companies like Google, Adobe, SalesForce, PayPal, Boeing, Audible and Nike had to say about it.
Design Sprint Academy designed the Problem Framing workshop as a preliminary step to ensure effective outcomes from a Design Sprint, as their response response to being in Sprints where the clients did not know what the problem was, or if it even existed. Or alternatively, the problems we were tackling were too broad to allow a practical solution or too narrow to be also worth the investment. You can read more about it here.
Problem framing will teach you on how to:
- Identify and capture stakeholder’s perspectives
- Make sense of the user’s needs, perceptions and expectations
- Frame problems into actionable design challenges
- Align teams towards common goals
- Gain the confidence of tackling a problem worth solving in a Design Sprint
Problem Framing Key Topics:
- Contextualizing the problem
- Justifying the Business Need
- Understanding the Customer
- Finding the opportunity
- Getting Stakeholder buy-in
About organisers
Member of AIMS International network, AIMS International Romania(Timisoara office) is one of the pioneers in HR & business consulting in Romania, with more than 25 years of experience on the local market and a history of doing things differently, a history of innovation and experimentation in helping hundreds of businesses (both multinationals and Romanians) and thousands of individuals to flourish.
Consequently, our long term goal is to create together with our clients, ’’the organization of the future’’: human-centered, innovative, emotionally intelligent, flexible, transparent, productive, engaging and collaborative.
Customized Trainings and Workshops, Vision and Strategy Consultancy, Leadership Development programs, Solution Focused Coaching Services, HR Processes Consultancy are just a few of the services offered to the market.
To reach our long term goal, we continuously look for new ways of work and we are thrilled to have found the perfect intersection between quick results and care for people, between company and customer needs, between individual and teamwork. This is the #DesignSprint – a concept currently being adopted around the world by companies from the most diverse industries.
Therefore, starting with June 2019, and due to extensive preparation, AIMS International Romania, Timisoara office, has become Design Sprint Academy’s exclusive partner for the Romania market.
Design Sprint Academy is worldwide recognized for the substantial improvements to the initial method, first launched by Google Ventures. Their Design Sprint journey started in late 2015 before the Google Ventures book ‘Sprint’ was published. Since then they’ve run dozens of design sprints for a variety of companies, from Fortune 500 companies to startups, including training Google in San Francisco.
This event is organized by AIMS Timisoara in collaboration with Design Sprint Academy.