Romanian Kraft Market

Romanian Kraft Market

Fair Product Design Craft

Every weekend, Romanian Kraft Market gathers local craftsmen for a curated showcase of local talents in a place where craft meets community.

Experience craft with deep roots in the local history. Imagine the thrill of seeing the magic behind each object. Slow your thoughts, relax and be part of the community.

Romanian Kraft Market is proudly supported by Visa, our prefered payment partner. Every weekend, pay at the bar using your Visa and get 10% discount!

Created by Kraft Market
Curated by Ototo & Assamblage


Kraft Market + Assamblage - Institutul de Arta si Design

Date & time

8th Oct, Saturday

9th Oct, Sunday


Kraft Market, str. Matei Millo nr. 8-10, Bucuresti, Romania