Startup Weekend Cluj 2020

Startup Weekend Cluj 2020

Competition Digital Product Design User Experience User Interface Software Development

LEARN what it really takes to start a company. No book, panel, speaker, or blog post will teach you what you need to know. The best way to learn is the experience of trying, while backed up by our amazing selection of mentors!

EXPERIMENT what it takes to start. Validate your idea and find out where are you on the Entrepreneur’s Journey. Find the right resources and know, by the end of the weekend, the next steps you need to take on your road to success.

CONNECT with people driven to build something new. Rich and diverse talent is a Techstars Startup Weekend staple! By joining up you’ll get access to the beautiful minds that are also working to find solutions in order to improve other people’s lives.

START! It’s that simple. Techstars Startup Weekend Cluj will get you going, FAST. #swcluj2020 is the ideal environment for you to be successful and learn as much as possible in just 54 hours.


Learn new skills, share your own experiences and transform your idea into a product.


Day 1: Meet, Pitch & Team Up
Day 2: Learn & Work
Day 3: Present Your Work & Celebrate!


Techstars Startup Weekend is a concept created in USA and expanded all around the world. Participants pitch new business ideas, form teams around those ideas and work on them during the weekend. The goal is to develop a working prototype, demo, or a presentation by Sunday evening.


You! If you are a creative person, with a new business idea and are willing to put in the work required for it to grow, then this is for you. If you want to help, you have skills but don’t know what to do with them, then this is also for you.


The weekend of March 13-15, 2020.


Telenav Office, 21 Decembrie 1918 Bd, Cluj-Napoca

* The ticket will give you access to
> 3 days of intense work
> access to top industry mentors
> 7 full free meals
> access to the Saturday party
> the chance to win some awesome prizes!

* Visit our webpage for more details:

* Tickets available at:


Startup Weekend Cluj + Cluj Startups

Date & time

13th Mar, Friday

15th Mar, Sunday


Telenav Europe, Bd 21 Decembrie nr. 77, Cluj-Napoca, Romania