The people-centric approach to innovation by Anna Kirah

The people-centric approach to innovation by Anna Kirah

Talk User Experience


Want to learn something new together with great people from the same industry as you?

We do, and we’d love you to join us for the 4th edition of Visma TechTalks@Sibiu that will be held on March, 21st 2019!

Together with Anna Kirah (design anthropologist and psychologist) we will speak about the challenges we face in an increasingly complex and non-linear world.

📍 Location: Visma Software headquarters, Strandului Street, no. 2B, Hattrick Offices building, Sibiu, Auditorium (Ground Floor).

The people-centric approach to innovation: 3 principles needed to create meaningful and relevant solutions to the challenges of the 21st century by Anna Kirah.


Anna Kirah, is an internationally respected design anthropologist and psychologist known for pioneering the people-centric approach to innovation and change management. She has been employed by both Microsoft and Boeing and consults in many multinational enterprises, governments and NGOs. Her passions are co-creation and working with “transdisciplinarity”.

Anna believes that creating meaningful, relevant, desirable and sustainable products, services and organizational change can happen only by understanding people’s motivations and aspirations and utilizing this knowledge to solve challenges.
Anna returned to Norway in 2010 where she has her own consultancy and teaches at The Oslo Metropolitan University. She is on the board of Design without Borders. She is currently an UX advisor for Visma Software International.

Topic: She will speak about the challenges we face in an increasingly complex and non-linear world. How organizations, teams and individuals can work differently to create solutions that bring revenue to the organization and value to the customer.


– 16:30 – 17:00 Welcome and pizza
– 17:00 – 18:00 Anna Kirah presentation
– 18:00 – 18:30 Networking

To register, go on the link below and fill in the registration form. We will contact you back to confirm your registration



Visma TechTalks

Date & time

21st Mar, Thursday

21st Mar, Thursday


Visma Software, Hattick Offices, str. Ștrandului nr. 2B, Sibiu, Romania