UX Bootcamp

UX Bootcamp

Workshop User Experience Digital Product Design

Hi! This project is one of many ways I try to give back to the community and be as good of a mentor like others have been to me.

About the bootcamp:
1. You must register to participate.
2. The Bootcamp will be online only.
3. Communication moving forward will be in ENGLISH ONLY. 

TL:DR. The first steps are as follows:
Starts Oct 21st. The plan is to meet every two days around 7 PM EEST,  5 PM BTS, 12 PM EDT.
Part 1 – TBD, 7:00 PM EEST. What do you need to learn to get started
Part 2 – TBD, 7:00 PM EEST. How to build an effective CV
Part 3 – TBD, 6:00 PM EEST. How to build a good portfolio
Part 4 – TBD, 7:00 PM EEST. UX Interview tips
Part 5 – TBD, 7:00 PM EEST. Let’s find you a job.*

*While I can’t guarantee you will find the right job, I can help you maximize your chances of getting hired. However, remember, at the end of the day, it all depends on you what you do and what you say during an interview.

Meeting invitations + Video calls will be sent for each date one week before October 14th. Until then if you need to talk with me, my calendar is open, and you can book a call here https://calendly.com/paul-axente

The plan is to provide constant feedback and support to anyone trying to start their career as a User Experience Designer. We’ll engage in a bunch of online and/or offline activities where we talk about:
– How to build a CV;
– How to build your portfolio;
– Interviews (what to do/don’t do while interviewing)
– How to increase your chances to land a job, and many more.

Why am I doing this?

I’ve recently I’ve started a UX Internship at Yopeso. I was shocked to find out how hard and how much stupid sh*t candidates have to go through to get a blunt “Not good enough”, “Lack of experience!” and so on. This is just one part of my mission to change the way companies and HR’s are recruiting for design positions.

Why me?

Because no one else is doing it, I’ve been designing products for a while now, and I’ve built some of the most performing UX Departments in a digital agency environment. I’ve got so angry when I heard what some of you went through, so I decided to do something. This is that something.

What’s next?

I’ve set up an email list where I’d like you to sign up. It’s my way of trying to be close to you and have an efficient open line of communication.


UX City

Date & time

21st Oct, Monday


TBA, Cluj-Napoca, Romania