UX Meetup #5 – Problem Framing – Workshop

UX Meetup #5 – Problem Framing – Workshop

Workshop User Experience Digital Product Design

Happy New Year! E timpul sa ne revedem. Ianuarie vine cu o noua intalnire: un workshop pe Problem Framing, facilitat de Mihai, Oana, Dan si Adi, pe scurt: echipa UX Rocks.

Register here: https://forms.gle/h8pA6fi898VkpaaB6

De obicei, cand un proiect e la inceput, echipa se poate pierde in proces ori nu stie de unde sa inceapa. Problema poate fi prea mare pentru a gasi o solutie practica, sau prea mica sa justifice investitia. In aceste 2 ore, prin mini-workshopul de problem framing te vom ghida cum sa gasesti raspunsuri la urmatoarele intrebari:
– Merita problema sa fie rezolvata?
– Este problema indeajuns de inteleasa de cei implicati si impactati de ea?
– Cum putem transforma problema in provocari de design clare si actionable?
– Cum putem mapa relatia intre business si utilizator?
– Cum putem implica si convinge stakeholderii?

Cine poate participa?
UX Designers, Product Designers, Product Managers, Product Owners, UX Leads, Researchers, Business Analysts, Coaches, Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, Facilitators. TU.

“Testing a prototype can help you refine an idea that is already good, not tell you whether you’re solving the right problem”. Erika Hall author of Just Enough Research.


UX.Rocks + Fab Lab Iasi

Date & time

29th Jan, Wednesday

29th Jan, Wednesday


Fab Lab Iasi, str. Randunica 2, corp TEX6, etaj 2, Iasi, Romania