Virtual CreativeMornings Cluj on Stress

Virtual CreativeMornings Cluj on Stress

Talk Cross Disciplinary Design

We are back with another virtual event and we will explore the global theme of August: Stress

Stay tuned, next week we will announce our special guest.

Registration will be opened on the 21st of September

Stress, in its most basic form, is a response.

The feeling of stress can often manifest as a palpable tension flowing through your body. Stress can creep into the corners of your thoughts and decisions — eager to cloud your clarity and take power away from you. As a popular saying goes, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom,” What can you do when stress manifests itself in your body, mind, and spirit?

Create your own mantras, get fresh air, meditate, write, play music, sleep, or stay still. Push away from the habits that add stress to your life. Get more familiar with the feeling of calm, so that when stress arises, you can gently guide yourself toward it. As Shannon Lee teaches us in her CreativeMornings talk, it is possible to “create and restructure life,” for yourself, based on how you’d like to live.

In the space between the stimulus and response, take some of the spotlight away from stress by calling in your breath — and ask it to walk out the door. Our Warsaw chapter chose this month’s exploration of Stress and Shanee

Benjamin illustrated the theme.

CreativeMornings are free breakfast lecture series for the creative community.

In 2008, Tina Roth Eisenberg (swissmiss) started CreativeMornings out of a desire for an ongoing, accessible event for New York’s creative community. The concept was simple: breakfast and a short talk one Friday morning a month. Every event would be free of charge and open to anyone. Today, attendees gather monthly in 208 cities all over to world, to enjoy fresh coffee, friendly people, and an international array of breakfast foods. Volunteer teams organize local chapters to not only celebrate a city’s creative talent but also promote an open space to connect with like-minded people.

Thank you to MailChimp, and Basecamp for supporting our global CreativeMornings community!

CreativeMornings wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of global and local partners. With their support, this series of events can grow, and remain free and accessible to anyone.


CreativeMornings Cluj

Date & time

25th Sep, Friday

25th Sep, Friday

