Virtual Morning Coffee | Ep 7
Talk Cross Disciplinary DesignIn these challenging times, we are grateful to be able to extend our in-person events into the digital space. Instead of our regular CreativeMornings Cluj event, we are having a Virtual Morning Coffee with one of our previous speakers, every Friday morning.
A morning coffee. Community. Bringing people together. Last Friday together with Veronica Soare we talked about beauty, love and hope. This Friday we will share a virtual cup of coffee or tea in English with Elisav Bizau who explored with us the global theme of Roots (January 2020).
From 365 Drawings a Day and 10.000 verses in a month, to 365 Hours of Magic, Elisav Bizau loves creating projects that test the limits of his creativity and dedication.
So join us, this Friday, from 09.00 am, on Zoom. Register here and you will receive the zoom conference link on email, the day before the event: https://creativemornings.com/talks/virtual-morning-coffee-ep-7